I'm proud to say Us - Chapter 4 is finally out today!
In addition, because it's been bothering my for a long time now, I went back into Chapter 1 and changed the framerate on the whole thing to match the rest of the episodes. (It was originally 12 FPS instead of 15) Admittedly, it still lacks a bit of polish compared to 2-4, but I do think the change makes a significant difference, and I feel like it was worth the effort involved.
Anyway, go and check out the final episode! Or start the series from the beginning if you haven't already! I've got a playlist of all of them here below for ya.
And be sure to check out the artists I commissioned from around the site, as well as my boyfriend, to help make some special art for the credits! They're a talented bunch!
So, is it right to say this is The Last of Us?
Well played. Very well played.