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106 Movie Reviews

Unfortunately only a mild exaggeration of our current reality. Good stuff!

This took a hard turn so quick, both literally and emotionally. There seems to be a lot of background lore at play that we don't really get enough time to explore, but the style shifts and jump cuts are really effective in setting the tone.

I meant to watch this as soon as it came out, but I got so busy and then I forgot until just now.

While the animation itself is a little sparse at times, you've got some really strong visual storytelling here. That realization of what happened to the grandma hits hard, and I thought it was really clever how you painted the flower to look like a burning flame too; it ties things together well.

I'm so sorry you're going through this right now too...hope you're able to stay safe.

IoCus69 responds:

Thank you for your feedback and for your concern :3

Recent Game Reviews

30 Game Reviews

Got stuck on the 11th level with the swinging tires, but this is a nice game! The controls take a bit of time to get acquainted with, and admittedly, I'm not quite fully acquainted myself just yet, but they get the job done.

I love the simplicity of the art, and you clearly had a lot of fun coming up with a theme to each of the levels; each one feels fresh and it keeps things interesting when you're always trying to guess what might pop up next.

One of the best Flash Forward entries I've played so far! :D

VicBiss responds:

Thank you! It was all worth it for people to see my stir fry animation.

Getting stuck on level 11 seems to be a common theme, those orange levels are supposed to transition from the more aesthetic and chill levels to the more challenging levels but it's obviously a steeper curve than intended

I made a couple of changes, level 11 as well as a few later levels should be easier and grapples should be more 'magnetic' where you don't need to be as accurate with your clicks. Pushing the update may have wiped your save data, sorry about that!

Feels like a promising start to SOMETHING, but I don't really know what that might be yet...
Visually, it looks great though, and the goofy vibe is pretty charming.

TeamTamago responds:

Thanks, all I can say is Bone Santa

Will need to play more of this later on, but really impressed with the bit I did so far. Like your entry from last year's Flash Forward, this is a similarly otherworldly experience, and I still can't get enough out of all these surreal geometric patterns and textures you've got going on here. Overall, there's a fantastic aesthetic and atmosphere and the intro does a really nice job at setting the stage.

I can potentially see this being a bit tedious and frustrating depending on just how big this level gets as it opens up, but the mechanics themselves are really interesting and inspired. Gonna have to circle back around to this one after I play some more of the other entries, but I think this is my favorite so far.

Emrox responds:

Hey thanks! I just played your entry, and thought it was really good as well! (And an ambitious length - that is a lot of drawings for something so manicured-looking!)

Recent Audio Reviews

39 Audio Reviews

Thank you for again for coming along for the ride on this one! The vibrators were a great addition, and really built up the tension throughout the whole thing.

I also really like that you added back in some of the outtakes on this version, because I really did enjoy watching that evolution of the soundtrack with that stuff.

Quarl responds:

The process is always exciting with you, had fun exploring ideas! If it seems like I'm stressing I only stress so much because I want to make my friend happy. You are a gem!

You really nailed the whole "haunted music box" thing I wanted for this. It's really easy to picture a little ballerina spinning around to this for all eternity.

Thanks again! :D

Haha, you went from anxious and haunting to the full blown extinction of the human race. I like it.

Quarl responds:

Thanks Garden, love <3

Recent Art Reviews

606 Art Reviews

Loving the Splatoon inspired lineless look here! Very fun!

This is super fun! I've always loved collage type art like this; just a collection of goofy little guys.

BellvonArtsy responds:

United they're strong!
Always really fun workin on silly little dudes!

W-what? You made me a second one? What a nice surprise for the morning!

You really captured her quirky, playfully dark sort of personality in here. She’s the kind of girl who will rip you apart, but she’ll put you back together again afterwards. :)

Taurmega responds:

No problem, glad ya like it and that the depiction is spot-on! :D

Icon by P-PAMda
"Time is money and I am poor."
I write sad stories (with hope!) and then animate them in cute pastels to lull you into a false sense of security.

Garden Greene @Bleak-Creep

Age 33, Female

Minneapolis, MN

Joined on 2/16/07

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