Thank you for helping me get this far! I don't have any sort of giveaway or special art to offer you all at the moment, although if I have enough time (and I THINK I will) I'd like to do another run of free sketches for December again this year as long as my workload is more under control by then. (I know I still have Art Fight stuff I wanna hit people back on too...but I might wait til next year at this point. I'm sorry!)
Lately I've been very hard at work making art for this maid game I'm doing with @Peti and @P-PAMda, and I recently just finished the overworld map for the town it'll take place in. I don't know when the game itself will be ready, but I'm hopeful maybe before the end of fall? We'll see, no promises, I know Peti's got a lot of work to do yet too. It's coming along really cute so far though, and I'm really excited for people to get to play it!
In other news, I've been hopelessly hooked on this game here (help me) and you all should play it too, because it's something truly special. It plays like a top down racing version of Super Meat Boy and the controls are every bit as tight and precise.
We'll go ahead and do a little underrated artists feature here to wrap this up too! Go check out @ShreddedCardigan! They've got a really lively, fun, and experimental art style, and their character designs are nice and unique too.
now to the 2k! really happy to hear getting to 1k ;v;
cant wait to see how the game develops aaa still thankful to be part of the experience and to lend a hand
Thanks! Your portraits are already adding a lot of extra flavor to the game, I'm loving the help! We gonna make a great game. :)