
39 Audio Reviews

31 w/ Responses

Thank you for again for coming along for the ride on this one! The vibrators were a great addition, and really built up the tension throughout the whole thing.

I also really like that you added back in some of the outtakes on this version, because I really did enjoy watching that evolution of the soundtrack with that stuff.

Quarl responds:

The process is always exciting with you, had fun exploring ideas! If it seems like I'm stressing I only stress so much because I want to make my friend happy. You are a gem!

You really nailed the whole "haunted music box" thing I wanted for this. It's really easy to picture a little ballerina spinning around to this for all eternity.

Thanks again! :D

Haha, you went from anxious and haunting to the full blown extinction of the human race. I like it.

Quarl responds:

Thanks Garden, love <3

Yay! I’ve been looking forward to this! I just finished listening to everyone else’s stories right before bed as nature intended.

The Friendly Knight is probably my favorite of the bunch; short and sweet and a nice message to go along with it.

Really fun little collab and I’m really happy I got to be a part of it. Hope to see another one of these someday! :)

MasterHand4444 responds:

So glad you liked the Friendly Knight!!

Thetageist responds:

Aaa, that’s my voice! So happy you liked The Friendly Knight!

Aw, Tom making a guest appearance in there? I honestly really like this one. It’s a bit more straightforward than your usual stuff, but it has such a nice groove to it

*Wow, I 100% thought that was Tom

Quarl responds:

AHHHH, my parallel multiverse sister!! So happy to see you stop by so quick after the upload... Casper managed to beat you though, that guy is fast D:

edit: not sure what you mean about tom, sample is Burnham. Hyperlink in description leads to his track, Five Years is a good one :3

I like to envision all of the little character sound effects in this as the death cries of your foes.

Quarl responds:

That was kind of the idea but also not totally original because 99% of my songs have people screaming or grunting :\

Every time the guy paused after saying "you'll probably end up going..." my immediate thought was always "insane". It just doesn't ADD up!

Some nice liner notes on this one; always something important to remember in any sort of creative endeavor. You've gotta do it for yourself first; your people will eventually find you if you keep at it for long enough.

Quarl responds:

I was coy to post the sample source this time. Reading Rainbow, Levar Burton <3

Not exactly the most ethical sample source but if you don't tell anyone, I won't either.

This song really came in clutch and I'm so glad you let us use it for the game because it worked so perfectly. Real haunting stuff.

Petiwave? Wow, I can't even keep up with these new genres anymore. This is super fun and energetic!

Dieswyx responds:

This is just Drum & Bass in my style lol

Aw, I missed the Chramander track day! I love this one though! Please do more ethereal Charmander vocals in the future!

Quarl responds:

lol, I'll totally consider it. I think the kids were starting to make fun of all my captain falcons and pikachus.

Icon by P-PAMda
"Time is money and I am poor."
I write sad stories (with hope!) and then animate them in cute pastels to lull you into a false sense of security.

Garden Greene @Bleak-Creep

Age 34, Female

Minneapolis, MN

Joined on 2/16/07

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