Hello there, how's it going?
To celebrate the spirit of the holidays, and because I'm nearing completion on my latest animation, I think I'll give away a couple free character design slots (or redraws of a character you already have) All you need to do for a chance to get one is to be on my followers list and leave a comment below with a character description, or a link to your character, and I'll pick out a pair at the end of the week to flesh out into a finished piece.
If there aren't too many requests, or if they're not too in depth I might even do a few more or just do a couple sketches for those that didn't get a full piece.
As usual, I'll draw pretty much anything outside of anything too explicit/NSFW.
***Edit 1
Hoo boy, already quite a few replies in here. Tell you what, for anyone who doesn't get a full piece, I'll put together a little sketch dump and tag everyone with a character in there once it's done. I'll post this little Amongus animation for anyone who wanted one of those later today too. <3
***Edit 2 - A couple little sketches
AMONGUS. (in two versions) for @Einmeister and @Aronchalk

KITTY for @dababy445

Spike for @robotjones02

Penelope for @snoozlezonky

***Edit 3
So many requests, oof! I’ve got my work cut out for me. There’s definitely a few I’m pretty inspired with, and a few others that should be quick enough where I’ll probably get to them soon, but remember, you’ll need to be on my followers list in order to make a request!
For @M-kirbs

For @Ducksen

For @doggonnys

For @larrynachos

For @Inciniumz2

***Edit 4
Apparently I can't drop any more images into the post, but here's more sketches!
Zeddman for 0544014
Animu for reddyfu
OC for uraomote
Sid? or Yaki? for @lucas-draws
Robot Cowboy for Neonshambles
Billy for ReallyR4ndom
Ekibus Explorer for dogmuth-behedog
Arlean for Baconbob9000
Poipole for Chaseryle
***Edit 5
...and we're done! Thanks to everyone who made a request, and I hope you all enjoy your holidays!